Sacred Life Animism

Relearning, Rewilding, Remembering

Restore and re-member your Ancestral connections

Return to deep, loving kinship with Nature and your own Nature

Reanimate your soul’s voice and align our inner life with our outer world.

What is Animism?

Animism has been been a spiritual way of living for tens of thousands of years all over the planet.

It’s roots lay in the deep knowing and belief that everything - every living being - is alive (animated) and has an essence (a soul), and is interconnected with all other living beings through a spiritual web of relationships. This great web of interconnection means that all of nature is connected and therefore one ripple in the web influences the whole. 

When we practice Animism, we return to taking our place in the universal conversation that runs behind the story of our material world, and which was at the centre of our ancestors’ way of life.

We learn to develop deep intimacy and live in harmony with Nature, the Ancestors, and all of the sacred diversity of life.

Angela has been teaching Animism (shamanism) since 2006 and over time has woven a unique offering that includes traditional Animist practice, somatic embodiment, and plant medicine microdosing and ceremony.


What is Sacred Life Animism?

Welcome to a spiritual path of soul evolution and life transformation woven together by the three threads of:


The mysticism of ancient Animism and its time-tested wisdom teachings and rituals provides us with spiritual guidance and support from Helping Ancestors and guides and allows us to access wisdom from the unseen realms.


The leading edge neuropsychology of Somatic practice brings regulation to our nervous system and emotions as we release the stuck energy of unresolved trauma and overwhelm creating inner space and providing more energy and resilience for life


Plant medicine has been practiced for thousands of years across the globe. Now in the psychedelic renaissance many are experiencing the benefits of increased energy, creativity and focus, reduced anxiety and depression, and enhanced mindfulness.


Previously known as White Bone Shamanism, Sacred Life Animism includes:

  • Animist philosophy

  • earth medicine practice and ritual

  • energy transmissions and empowerments

  • psychedelic healing

  • wisdom teachings and ceremony

  • ancestral healing

  • energy medicine mastery

  • and somatic psychology

Finding connection

Over the last 20 years in my practice, disconnection has been the greatest increasing soul malady I’ve witnessed. It’s ironic that we’re relying on screens to “get us connected” and yet as we do that, we’re actually disconnecting, not only from our body’s wisdom and our mythic soul life, but also from the spiritual kinship available to us from the many communities to which we belong.

We have forgotten that we are a member of not only our immediate human community, but also our Nature communities (plants, trees, mountains, rivers, oceans), our Animal community, and our Ancestral community.

This forgetting leaves us with soul lethargy, a sense of meaninglessness, and lacking the spiritual resilience to navigate life’s challenges.

Animism is a path of spiritual ecology that reconnects us with the sacred nature of creation, and empowers us to take our seat in the healing of our planet.