9 Tips for Planning your Microdosing Day


There’s a lot out there about microdosing and over the last few years I’ve explored and researched and come to it not only from a health perspective but also as a spiritual seeker.

On the medicine path it’s my responsibility to be in right relationship with all the medicine I’m walking with and this includes psilocybin. This is a plant I never played with recreationally and so has always been a wise teacher. If you get a chance to see Fantastic Fungi you’ll know what I mean.

There are lots of protocols out there about how to microdose so I’ve laid out some really basic tips here that may help:

  • Don’t drink your morning coffee when you microdose.

  • Set an intentional day. Set an intention for your day of microdosing. Plan your day from start to finish. Be sure to allow yourself space for creativity, nature, and nourishing self-care activities. If you find that microdosing helps your activity and focus, then plan out the projects you wish to work on. Notice what comes up leading up to it. With your day planned, make a little ceremony in the morning as you microdose. Show reverence and give thanks to Psilocybin as the beautiful teacher she is.

  • Remember that the plant teachers AMPLIFY what’s subconscious in order to teach us. I’ve always found that Psilocybin is a plant ally that’s true to her nature. Just as she grows in the shadows of the forest and decomposes what’s dying, this is exactly how she can show up with microdosing. Although our experience is sub-perceptual, having this awareness can be really helpful. In fact, microdosing days can be great for doing Shadow Work.

  • Be as conscious as possible during the day, learning as you move through activities. Make notes of what you are learning so that as those neural pathways get laid down, you can continue to practice in the following days and weeks to keep the neural pathways alive. Yes, that requires you working at integrating things that you’ve learned.

  • Be mindful not to schedule things that require too much vulnerability cause you’ll be more sensitive. (Not the day for dental work!)

  • Be mindful who you hang with. There are those folks that can trigger us simply because they are revealing something we need to look at in our shadow. It’s wise to consider who you will be hanging out with on microdosing days.

  • Be careful of physical exertion. Microdosing can often have us feeling more clear, stronger and more alive. I have had amazing workouts on my microdosing days. At the same time, be careful not to push too hard as you can get injured.

  • Remember you may feel a slight anxiety as the medicine comes on. This usually goes away as you follow a protocol. If not, then you might want to consider lowering your dose. The recommended dosage is 100mg-200mg but as a very sensitive person, I found 50mg to be just right. Basing your dosage on your size is not always relevent and doesn’t always correlate to the sensitivity of your nervous system. If you take your microdose and notice an anxious feeling or butterflies during your day, it’s best not to distract as it’ll amplify. So sit quietly and relax into it and ask the Teacher to be gentle and help you to learn. Reverence goes a long way.

  • Be sure to stay hydrated. Many folks find that psilocybin can leave them feeling thirsty, so drink lots of water to avoid headaches.

Here’s to more brightness in your world.


Conscious Microdosing - Part 2