Introducing Sacred Life Animism and Exciting New Things Pt1


One of the greatest teachings I’ve repeatedly received on the Medicine path is simply to be present to how Life is showing up in each moment because Life is our greatest teacher.

Whether it’s been on a mountain top in Peru, inside a cairn in Ireland, in the middle of a plant medicine ceremony, or simply as a Mama, in many different ways, Spirit has said the same thing time and again,

“Practice being present to Life in this moment, no matter how Life is showing up!”

Like so many of us, Life really showed up in 2020 and demanded my presence. Within three days of the pandemic arriving, I fractured my foot and there was literally nowhere to go and not much to do, as I limped around on crutches in a house full of stairs. I did however, have time! Time to savour the tiny cocoon with my teenager home from school, and time to reflect.

Although Westcoast Shamanic Services was a tried and true 22 years old, I was wrestling with the name of my business for a number of years simply because as our world has evolved, I’ve evolved, and so has my relationship with the word “shamanism.” I’ve spent hours reading, researching, and getting clear about how it’s changed, and particularly why I’ve grown away from it.

My biggest reason is that although Western dominant culture generalizes shamanism as a so-called “universal term” it’s actually a uniquely Siberian and Mongolian spiritual heritage. You can read more on this, as well as how other cultures refer to these spiritual specialists in this post.

Through this journey I came to the decision to let go of the word “shamanism” and that meant letting go of my website URL.

People have warned me against changing it because it’s decades old and I have good internet real estate, good Google juice, the algorithm and SEO like it, and ironically, after all these years of trying to explain what I do, shamanism is mainstream enough that people finally get it. So yes, it makes good business sense to settle down and stick with my URL. But settling like that has never worked for me unless it’s in alignment with my values, and a big part of my personal evolution has been refining the alignment between my primary purpose, my values, and my work.

I’m sure you’re thinking, “If not shamanism, then what?”

Well, as I’ve deepened into my ancestral relationships and traditions, I’ve found that what I previously provided as “shamanic healing” is described more accurately as Animistic Folk Medicine. Folk healing or folk medicine is found in most cultures, and certainly in the lands of my Northern European and Western European ancestors. Folk medicine is a way of describing a vast continuum of healing from folk healers who use spirit plant medicine, herbalism, divination, counselling, and spirit mediumship, all the way to your Great Grandmother’s charm or prayer for protection, and the many healing remedies unique to each of our families. In my journey of the folk medicine tradition of the Bean Feasa (woman of knowledge) from Ireland, I have found a natural alignment that resonates most deeply with my Soul and my training.

Animism emphasizes a deep reverence for the sacred nature of Life that breathes through and is present in all things, connecting us all in the great web of Life. The word animism comes from the Proto-Indo-European root of “ane” meaning to breathe. This same root is present in many cultures with words that describe the same breath, life, wind, and soul .

So, what I previously taught as “shamanism” is more accurately expressed as Sacred Life Animism. It’s the same weaving of earth and folk medicine, wisdom teachings and rituals, energy mastery, and somatic psychology that I’ve been sharing all these years, but with an even deeper focus on the many ways of listening and being human open to us in the sacred diversity of life.

And now for the exciting new things!

Keep an eye on social media as you’ll find me there as Sacred Life Animism rather than Westcoast Shamanic. I’ll continue to post regularly to provide inspiration, support, and practical spiritual ways for you to embrace your sacred life, and the sacred rhythm and breathe that moves through all life.

I’m absolutely delighted to have you land here on my brand, new website. It’s the new home for my events calendar, blog posts, news, and announcements and the Soul Healers Circle that I’m excited to share it with you.

I have new weekly Office Hours where you can schedule a complimentary 10-minute check-in straight from the website. The Office Hours provide you with an opportunity to chat, ask questions, receive spiritual support, or for student check-ins.

Many of you have been on the waitlist for the Apprenticeship for over a year now. It’s been a long haul with the pandemic, but my fingers are crossed that I will run this again in January 2022. There’s a new format of two 5-day immersions and a long weekend which will help those of you who are travelling from outside BC.

The Quintessential Revolution (previously the White Bone Shamanic Arts Apprenticeship - since 2006) is my heart’s work. For those of you who have taken the apprenticeship, you’ll understand the new name. As an apprenticeship in conscious living through a deep dive, year-long immersion into a path of mysticism, healing, and animistic folk medicine, it really is a homecoming to our Sovereignty and a rewilding of our humanness - a revolution of our most quintessential self.

There has been a LOT of change and refining and aligning. Some days have been beautiful and other days, well, you know how it is when it feels like you’re swimming through molasses? While in this coccoon though, I’ve also been watching the world and have felt a deepening conviction…

I believe it’s time for us all to step out of our human eco-chambers and back into the many communities to which we belong; the Nature communities (plants, trees, mountains, rivers, oceans), Animal communities, and Ancestral communities. We all need reconnection to this vast and potent wisdom and the sacred nature of Life, no matter how Life is showing up.

I’m very, very grateful for the immense support I’ve received from all levels over this last year of massive change and rebirth. I’m excited to share with you, and excited to see how our personal transformations can bring harmony into the world.

In heartfelt connection, LB


How to Remain Enchanted and Buoyant through the Darkness of Winter


From Shamanism to Animism - the Story Behind the Transformation Pt2